Category: Bible

Written by Edward on February 19, 2016
God spoke to me, through a dictionary
Bible . God . Gospel . TestimonyGod spoke to me, through a 100 year old dictionary. Don’t believe that God spoke to me? I didn’t either for a while. Read moreMy testimony – Angels, Alchemy, Aliens, Demons and GodI had just came out of lordship salvation and works salvation, both are false teachings. But as a new Christian, I had doubts.

Written by Edward on February 15, 2016
What happens after you die?
Bible . God . Gospel . ProphecyWhat happens after you die, you ask? My answer? It depends, are you saved or not? And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: – Hebrews 9:27 Read moreMy testimony – Angels, Alchemy, Aliens, Demons and God When you die, what do you think will happen? Are you

Written by Edward on February 14, 2016
Proof God inspired the Bible
Bible . GodProof God inspired the Bible Is it possible to prove God inspired the Bible to be written? If so, which bible version is it? If God preserved the true Word and He preserved it in the King James Bible only, every other religion, or ‘holy text’ goes out the window. That includes any modern bible

Written by Edward on February 10, 2016
Alien Deception, it’s Biblical
Aliens . Demons . Occult . ProphecyAlien Deception, it’s real, it’s Biblical and it has happened before. But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37 Read moreMy testimony – Angels, Alchemy, Aliens, Demons and GodAnd it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the

Written by Edward on February 9, 2016
My testimony – Angels, Alchemy, Aliens, Demons and God
Aliens . Bible . Demons . God . TestimonyThis is my testimony of how I came to Jesus Christ, through years of researching the occult, alchemy, aliens and a lot more. My testimony – Angels, Alchemy, Aliens, Demons and God Read moreAlien Deception, it’s BiblicalI begin to tell the story of my mother, who as a young woman always had a connection to